Mobile apps are only as powerful as their services and server-side components. We utilize Azure Mobile Apps – a suite of services instantiated and configured on the Azure Portal to provide back-end support to mobile apps. It provides features most-used by mobile app developers in the creation of business-class apps:
Cloud Storage
Azure SQL Databases offers virtual storage for mobile apps, including databases and tables that can be instantiated and destroyed as required. The Azure SDK provides a straightforward way to create table references from within an app then conduct CRUD transactions on remote databases. Azure SDK also has features to sync data to a local database, such as SQLite. Azure Functions and containers are ways to build serverless services.
Push Notifications
Due to the secure and proprietary nature of mobile push notifications, OS providers each utilize their own Push Notification Service (PNS). Cross-platform development must integrate with two or more services which can become unwieldy. Azure Push Notifications provides a single Notification Hub for server-side notification generators to integrate with.
Mobile app security can be coded by hand but enterprise apps and many consumer apps use Federated Identities to log in a user. Azure Authentication integrates with Azure Active Directory (AD) and third parties such as Facebook, Google, MS Account, and Twitter.