Mobile DevOps with Visual Studio App Center (VSAC)

Mobile development is mature enough to employ DevOps.

Learn how to build, test, and deploy mobile apps in a DevOps environment using Microsoft’s Visual Studio App Center (VSAC).

You can set up and manage multiple applications, organizations, testers, and teams using App Center Build, App Center Test, and App Center Distribute.

DevOps practices using VSAC help development teams keep builds and releases organized as they are distributed to collaborators, teams of testers, customer beta testers, all the way into app stores like Google Play and iTunes. This tool handles the automation of time-consuming tasks such as builds and build signing within a streamlined workflow.

Test on multiple physical devices by creating device sets and choosing from over twenty-five hundred devices and over four hundred configurations of iOS and Android versions.

Lexicon Systems can show you:

● How to sign up and get started with Visual Studio App Center (VSAC)
● How to connect to repositories and build applications in VSAC
● How to test applications using VSAC
● How to build and deploy applications using VSAC

Check out Dan Hermes’ free Microsoft course on edX called DevOps for Mobile Apps.