Mobile Apps

Lexicon Systems is a recognized leader and innovator in cross-platform mobile app development. We bring companies into the post-PC era. Using cross-platform tools and techniques, businesses can extend their reach into the world of mobile and tablets.

Lexicon Systems accelerates the development of next generation apps. We build & design mobile apps using Xamarin’s cross-platform development software which simplifies mobile application creation. Xamarin is Microsoft’s flagship cross-platform application development platform. We also employ the IBM Mobile platform.

Our top priority is understanding your primary business goals and most significant technical challenges, and creating a solution that works for you. The discovery process we use to learn about you and your business depends entirely upon the scale and workflow of your project.

We know every project is unique, and we provide the solution to make your vision a reality.

Build Your App

Conduct code reviews to assess development effort and provide feedback for future coding. We survey your existing mobile apps for coding practices, architecture, and technique. This is about the code. How well is it organized? What is the quality of coding practices? What is its architecture? How is data handled? Are best practices being used? We report on the state of the code base and recommend directions and strategies for improving the team’s skills and sensibilities as they move into their next round of coding.

Our Mobile App Services:

Our services can be broken down into two types: build or advise. Building apps employs our expert developer bench and advising allows you to benefit from our experience through consultations.

Consult to Your Team

If you have a team of developers on staff, but need help working out the kinks in your app build – we’ll walk you through it to its completion.

Mobile consultant Dan Hermes provides coaching and guidance over the course of the project: technical advisement and mentoring to provide tips and code reviews, answer questions, and help improve the performance of the development team. This offering ranges from a few hours of initial guidance to regular check-ins corresponding with project milestones.

“Lexicon Systems makes complex and ambitious projects work.”


– Rick Gansler, Vice President, Citizen’s

Lexicon – It’s how you mobilize.