A drill-down list is a list of tappable items selected to navigate to a new page.


There are many ways to build them using Xamarin.Forms, and the following recipe covers the most common type: by item. Other common types include lists by page and grouped lists.

A drill-down list by item has rows that can be selected to display more information about each item: the traditional master-detail pattern. This recipe uses a ListView to bind to a data model to provide a dynamic list of tappable items. A grouped drill-down list built using TableView is useful for creating categorized static menu items but ListView is one of the most versatile tools for creating drill-down lists. Short lists can, of course, be constructed by hand by using any of the layouts filled with buttons or labels paired with gesture recognizers to handle taps. Longer lists lend themselves to data binding using ListView.

Many lists contain a bunch of items that a user wants to drill down into to reach details about each item. Use ListView to display a list of items data-bound to a data model, and then show a detail page by using
PushAsync , all wrapped in NavigationPage so the user can get back to the list. You can create your ListView using the standard Xamarin.Forms approaches, such as in my post Making a Scrollable List Using ListView. This implementation uses a list item class called DrilldownListViewByItem.

Instantiate the DrilldownListViewByItem page in the Application class’s constructor wrapped in NavigationPage.

public class App : Application
    public App()
        MainPage = new NavigationPage(new DrilldownListViewByItem ());

This creates the a list with a navigation bar on iOS and Android. Windows Phone doesn’t display the navigation bar.

Create a detail page called detailPage whose constructor takes ListItem as a parameter. ListItem must contain either a list item ID for a detailed lookup query or all the fields needed to display on the detail page. This detail page displays a title and description.

class DetailPage: ContentPage
    public detailPage(ListItem listID) { // display detail }

Back on the list page (DrilldownListViewByItem) when an item row is tapped, pass ListItem into the detail page, which displays the detail of that particular item.

listView.ItemTapped += (sender, args) => {
    var item = args.Item as ListItem;
    if (item == null) return;
    Navigation.PushAsync (new detailPage(item) );
    listView.SelectedItem = null;

Tapping a list item row triggers the ItemTapped event, and the PushAsync call instantiates a detailPage and passes in ListItem to display.


You can see the complete book example on GitHub here.

The Drill-down List by Page pattern lets you select a ContentPage then instantiate it when it is tapped. Add a page type property to the list model and navigate to the page using the Activator.CreateInstance method.

Page page = (Page)Activator.CreateInstance(item.PageType);

Check out the book code here for the Drill-down List by Page recipe.