Navigation Patterns: Drill-down Lists

A drill-down list is a list of tappable items selected to navigate to a new page. There are many ways to build them using Xamarin.Forms, and the following recipe covers the most common type: by item. Other common types include lists by page and grouped lists. A...
Upcoming book

Upcoming book

Title: Building Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAML Subtitle: Mobile Cross-Platform C# and XAML Fundamentals Publication in Fall of 2018 Building Xamarin.Forms Apps Using XAML is a hands-on Xamarin.Forms primer for building native Android, iOS, and Windows Phone apps...

Xamarin.Forms 101: Pages and Layouts and Views (Oh My)

Pages, layouts, and views make up the core of the Xamarin.Forms UI. Pages are the primary container, and each screen is populated by a single Page class. A page may contain variations of the Layout class, which may then hold other layouts, used for placing and sizing...